CURAPROX CPS «Perio» Plus – Oral Science Boutique


  • En solde
  • Prix régulier $15.99 CAD


Between every two teeth in anyone’s mouth, there is an interdental space. It can be very small, or it can be easily visible, but it’s always there. Because the interdental space is inaccessible for a toothbrush, you can’t reach it with conventional brushing. As a result, bacteria accumulate in the interdental space and can remain undisturbed for a long time. Bacteria create toxic waste that weakens the enamel and irritates the gums, consequently causing cavities, gum disease and bad breath.

A string of floss is great for fitting between the teeth (namely front teeth) and being able to scrub off some of the bacterial film from the interdental space. However, irregular surfaces and interdental pockets (like back teeth) are still unreachable by floss. This is where an interdental brush comes in. They help eliminate bacterias between teeth and even between braces while being designed to fight bad breath, protect enamel and prevent gum disease.


The CURAPROX interdental brushes are the best available on the market for a long-term oral health. They gently remove the plaque and bacterias that accumulates in your interdental space with their one of a kind umbrella effect, composed of ultra-fine surgical wire fillaments.

After a week of daily use, you will notice an improvement in your gum health and overall dental status. Continue using your CURAPROX interdentals for a long-lasting effect.

Wide variety of sizes

From narrow spaces to spaces between implants, crowns or even bridges, there is the right interdental brush for everyone.

Easy interdental clean

Round brush to get an effective and gentle clean between spaces with a single-brush action.

Environmentally friendly

Our click-on refil system helps reduce plastic waste and can be use on any Curaprox holder. Plus, each brush can be used several times before needing to be replaced.

Swiss quality

Beautiful and functional Swiss design.


To clean out the interdental spaces, push the tip of the brush forward and pull it back once. One simple in-and-out movement is enough to keep your interdental space safe.

Hold the brush at an angle

Position the interdental brush at a single angle in front od the interdental gap - the space between the teeth.

Push it in

Just a little at first, then straighten it and push it right through.

Pull it out

Very gently. Done. Move to the next one.


Everyone has a unique shape and placement of teeth. To accomodate for every situation, the CURAPROX Interdental series comes in a variety of sizes, starting at 0.6 mm. This is small enough to reach event the smallest of spaces.

Before using interdentals, ask your dentist to precisely measure your interdental spaces and show you how to properly use interdental brushes. Use this measurement to order the interdental brushes that suit your teeth perfectly.

Customer Reviews

Based on 25 reviews
Francine O.

Produit correspond à mes attentes

Frank J.
Excellentes brossettes

Les brossettes Curaprox sont très efficaces et aident à contrôler le risque de gingivite. Je les utilise tous les jours et c'est très efficace.

Very effective

These work way better than the Proxabrush at the drugstore. The bristles are fuller and softer and reach more into all the nooks and crannies. A must have if you have larger gaps between teeth.

Charles P.
Good products

A month ago I started to test using curaprox interdentals after interesting experience with their tooth brush 5460. I already have full set of them, prime start & perio plus. Not only now using them everyday, I'm also learning within. Those interdentals are recommendable.

France D.

Les petites brossettes m'aident à garder mes gencives le plus saines possibles. Je ne peux plus m'en passer...

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