CURAPROX CS 5460 Ortho Ultra soft – Oral Science Boutique
CURAPROX CS 5460 Ortho Ultra soft - Oral Science Boutique

CURAPROX CS 5460 Ortho Ultra soft

  • En solde
  • Prix régulier $8.99 CAD

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Ultra soft toothbrush with bracket groove for braces

5460 Curen® filaments
Colors may vary

Protection against caries

Brace-friendly groove
Gentle - thanks to Curen® filaments of 0.1 millimeters
Clean the gum line without damaging
Efficient cleaning surface - thanks to a dense array of Curen® filaments
Reaches everywhere: compact head, slightly angled
Octogonal handle helps users to brush at the correct angle of 45 ̊
Ultra soft – the Softer, the Better, non traumatic
Up to 10 times more – remove plaque more efficiently
Do not absorb water – maintain their firmness for an optimal use 

Directions for use:
1. Position brush at an angle, half on the gums and half on the teeth.
2. Clean in short circular movements, ideally without pressure.

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Curaprox CS5460 - one awesome toothbrush

Everything about this toothbrush is well done. The shape, the angle of the brush head the different colours of the brush and even the brush bristle density. I was told how great these tooth brushes were but did not think it could be that much different than my regular toothbrushes but I was wrong, it’s amazing on how well it cleans, it’s like going to the dentist and in my opinion it feels cleaner than when I use an electric toothbrush. All I can say is if you are looking for a toothbrush this is the answer, forget the rest of the toothbrushes out there this is so much better than anything else I have ever tried. BEST TOOTHBRUSH EVER!!!!

Guilda B.
Meilleures brosses à dents

J’adore ces brosses à dents! Elles sont douces et non abrasives. Les couleurs sont belles aussi. Mes enfants les utilisent aussi maintenant

Lisa M.
Best Toothbrushes

These are the best toothbrushes I have used in my life. I am so happy I have found them. They clean thoroughly, but are very gentle on the gums.

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