The Often-Neglected Oral Rinse – Oral Science Boutique
The Often-Neglected Oral Rinse

Tip of the Month -

The Often-Neglected Oral Rinse

When eliminating bacteria and controlling infections are now more important than ever, we sometimes neglect to properly protect a specific area of our bodies: our mouth.

Brushing and using interdental brushes are vital steps to include in our oral health routine, but what about adding an oral rinse into the mix? Only 25% of our mouth is composed of teeth. After we’ve completed the recommended twice a day brushing, what becomes of the remaining 75% of bacteria present in our mouth that a regular toothbrush and toothpaste failed to eliminate?

X-PUR Opti-Rinse Plus is an oral rinse that contains a powerful ingredient called CITROX®. CITROX® is a unique plant-based and patented antimicrobial bioflavonoid complex offering a powerful antimicrobial, antioxidant, antifungal, antiviral and anti-inflammatory effect.

Extracted from bitter oranges, CITROX® is very effective at killing bacteria and viruses at a very low concentration while breaking down biofilm. This makes Opti-Rinse Plus a powerful ally in your quest to maintain good oral hygiene practices to reduce the risk of future complications later.

Other benefits of X-PUR Opti-Rinse Plus include:

  • Alcohol free
  • Neutral pH
  • No comparable oral rinse
  • No side effects: permanent tooth discolouration, taste alteration, calculus formation and irritation
  • Sweetened with 10% xylitol for a delightful and refreshing taste
  • Helps to protect against cavities
  • Prevents and reduces the risks of developing plaque and gingivitis

X-PUR Opti-Rinse plus is available in a variety of flavours and formats. Shop our complete line of X-PUR Opti-Rinse oral rinses here!

Sophie Bouchard
Sophie Bouchard

Recommended & used by dental hygienists!



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