Trial for Professionals - Be You — Gentle Everyday Toothpaste - 1x Pea – Oral Science Boutique

Trial for Professionals - Be You — Gentle Everyday Toothpaste - 1x Peach/Apricot 60 mL + 1x Watermelon 60 mL

  • Sale
  • $20.00 CAD
  • Regular price $33.98 CAD

Only for dental professionals. Maximum of 3 units per person. FREE SHIPPING!

Feel the confidence of healthy, happy, good-looking teeth and gums


60 mL tube


  • Peach + Apricot
  • Watermelon


  • Anti-cavity
  • Helps remineralize tooth enamel

Be Proud with Be You Toothpaste

Give yourself the confidence of healthy, happy, good-looking teeth and gums. This is gentle, everyday whitening. Glucose oxidase, a natural enzyme found in saliva, gently whitens – and takes care of tooth enamel. Made with joy and love, beautiful herbs and natural ingredients.

Gentle Care for your Teeth and Gums

“Be you” protects the enamel with RDA 50. Hydroxyapatite closes openings that expose dentine and relieves the pain of sensitive teeth. Glucose oxidase encourages the flow of saliva with natural enzymes and strengthens your mouth’s natural defences. No SLS means no dry mouth and fewer ulcers.

Happy and Healthy Every Single Day

Daily support for a healthy oral microflora and daily protection against caries, thanks to fluoride and xylitol. Provitamins B5 and herbal extracts fight bacteria and help to stop inflammation. And “Be you” comes in 2 zesty, fresh flavours. Pure joy every day!

Naturally White and Brighter, Day by Day

This is gentle, natural whitening – enzymatically…so your teeth become a little whiter and brighter every time you brush. Hydroxyapatite smoothes the teeth, making it difficult for new discolouration particles to take hold. No harmful bleaching. No grinding down. And a filter absorbs yellow light to make your teeth appear every whiter. Just “Be you”… and smile for the camera!

The Unique Curaprox Formulation

  • Fluoride: Anti-cavities
  • Echinacea: Supports mucous membranes
  • Enzymes: Found in saliva and gently whitens
  • Hydroxyapatite: Smoothes the teeth
  • Potassium Thiocyanate: Improves anti-bacterial properties
  • Provitamin B5: Supports formation of new cells
  • Xylitol: Protects against tooth decay

Medicinal Ingredients

  • Sodium monofluorophosphate - 0.723%
  • Potassium thiocynate - 0.02%

Directions for Use

Adults and children 2 years and older

  • Do not swallow.
  • Brush teeth thoroughly (for at least 1 minute), preferably after each meal, or as directed by a dentist/health care practitioner.
  • Expectorate. Do not eat, drink or rinse for 30 minutes after use.

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