CURAPROX CS Surgical Mega soft – Oral Science Boutique
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CURAPROX CS Surgical Mega soft

  • Sale
  • Regular price $11.49 CAD

The softest toothbrush ever built

12,000 Curen® filaments
Color: red

After oral operations
During irradiation of the oral cavity

Ultrafine - thanks to Curen® filaments of 0.06 millimeters
Clean the gum line without damaging
Efficient cleaning surface - thanks to a dense array of Curen® filaments
Reaches everywhere: compact head, slightly angled
Octogonal handle helps users to brush at the correct angle of 45 ̊
Ultra soft – the Softer, the Better, non traumatic
Up to 10 times more – remove plaque more efficiently
Do not absorb water – maintain their firmness for an optimal use 

Directions for use:
1. Position brush at an angle, half on the gums and half on the teeth.
2. Clean in short circular movements, ideally without pressure.

Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews
stephanie K.
Really mega soft!

If you have gum issues or after a procedure, this brush is extremely soft. I wouldn’t use it long term as I find the head of the brush a little too small and also don’t feel it cleans my teeth as well (could be just an impression)… However I only use Curaprox brushes they’re the best on my gums.
Shipping was super fast!

Laura G.
Ultra soft on very sore gums…

I have an autoimmune disease that leaves my gums and cheeks raw and sore making it near impossible sometimes to brush my teeth. This brush, along with the child sized brushes, is the softest I have ever come across and I have bought many. Just remember little to no pressure while brushing and the results will be pain free.

Sylvie P.

J'apprécie énormément vos produits, que ce soit les brosses a dents, les gommes ou xylimets. SUPER!!!

Linda L.
CS Surgical Méga Soft

Très satisfaite de ma brosse à dents.

Claudia M.A.L.

C’est parfait pour soigner les gencives après du traitement chirurgical.

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